
This page provides instructions on how to install and use PREP-SHOT. The installation process is divided into the following steps:

Step 1: Install Gurobi

Gurobi is an optimization solver known for its speed and efficiency. You can obtain a free academic license by following Gurobi Instructions.

Step 2: Install Miniconda

Miniconda is a package management tool that helps manage the Python packages required for PREP-SHOT. You can install it by following the official instructions.

To verify that Miniconda has been installed successfully, you can run the conda -V command to check its version.

Step 3: Download PREP-SHOT

Ensure you have downloaded the PREP-SHOT model from the GitHub repository.

You may either clone the repository using the command:

git clone

or download the repository as a zip file here.

Step 4: Create the Conda Environment

The prep-shot.yml file contains all the dependencies for the project. You can use it to create a new environment for PREP-SHOT. This environment isolates the project and its dependencies from other Python projects to prevent package conflicts.

conda env create -f prep-shot.yml
conda activate prep-shot

Step 5: Run the Model

Once the environment is activated, you can run an example with the following command:
