Here, you'll find notable changes for each version of PREP-SHOT.
Version 0.1 - Oct 15, 2023¶
Initial Release:
PREP-SHOT model is released with basic functionality for energy expansion planning.
Linear programming optimization model for energy systems with multiple zones.
Support for solvers such as Gurobi, CPLEX, MOSEK, and GLPK via Pyomo.
Input and output handling with pandas and Xarray.
Contributing to PREP-SHOT¶
We welcome and appreciate contributions from the community. Here are the steps to contribute:
Create an Issue
If you find a bug or have an idea for an improvement or new feature, please create an issue.
Fork the Repository
You can fork the PREP-SHOT repository on GitHub.
Create a Branch
Create a new branch in your forked repository and name the branch according to the feature or fix you're working on.
Commit Changes
Make changes in your branch. Once you've made improvements or bug fixes to the project, commit the changes with a meaningful commit message.
Start a Pull Request
Open a pull request from your forked repository to the main PREP-SHOT repository. Describe your changes in the pull request.
Code Review
Maintainers of the PREP-SHOT project will review your code. They may ask for changes or improvements before the code is merged into the main codebase.
Please ensure that you update tests as necessary when you're contributing code, and follow the coding conventions established in the rest of the project.